Thursday, July 17, 2008

We will be able to 'see' in our Kitchen

Hi All!! Yes, I did go knitting and YES it was wonderful to get out and see everyone, and laugh, and and have a lovely salad for dinner, and the itching didn't start until the end of the event. As of today I have been told I am "officially severely allergic to poison ivy". Went back to the Doc, and since the rash, and itching and red hotness are returning, he decided that I am going to have to wait this one out, because the oral steroids are not working for me. They worked for 2-3days and then the minute the dose was decreased, poof - there went the effects (except for the extra 5-6lbs they have left me with) :( So, the next time (which could be NEVER - as far as I am concerned!!) I get poison ivy, I have to tell them to give me a cortisone shot. Oh Boy.

But on to better things. The electrician was here today and on Sunday he is going to come and re-wire and install all new lighting for our kitchen, and because DH is willing to work with him and do some of the work as well he is charging us a reduced hourly rate. YIPEE SKIPEE!!! I envisioned a week of electrical work and a bill to match - hence double what I am trying to keep this renovation to. Alas Karma is coming in our favor. The island is all in place and we are already liking it. Once I am totally back on my feet (or using my hands and arms- as the case may be) the cabinets will be finished being prepped, and the painting will begin.

As for knitting, have not made as much progress as I would like. The stopping to itch, and just "not feeling like it" has slowed that down quite a bit as well. Tonight I go back to work, so maybe there will be some progress then.

Until then...Knit Well, Be Happy, and STAY OUT OF THE POISON IVY!!!!


Janey said...

You have been in the wars sweetie...whatever next?? Thinking of you. xx

Anonymous said...

I am sending healing thoughts your way. But congratulations on the lighting to come!

Anonymous said...

Oooo!!! So sorry to hear of the poison ivy! I'm glad you got out to knit though -- that's so restorative in and of itself. And that may be what brought some of that good karma your way! Hang in there!!