Sunday, March 05, 2006

Weekend Update....It has been busy

Here they are...I hope the pictures of the new 'step up Library' in our family room.
My DH did such a great job designing and then building these. We have only partially filled them at this point, as he still has lots of books to bring home from the office post retirement. has been a busy weekend with trying to get the house in order, since it will start filling up on Tues. and then won't empty until next Monday or Tues. Plus Matt brought a cold/crud thing here with him, and Rich caught much the same thing from his girlfriend and her needless to say Mom/Nurse was quite busy for the last 2 days. I am looking forward to work tonight so I can just sit and knit for a while.
I think I will start a new topic to show off my knitting pics as I am not really sure if I can post them on this one too and not mess up the format. I already have difficulty getting my posts to look right. Can't seem to get the paragraph breaks to show up.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

The book shelves are beautiful. I can see a bit of the new floor as well -very pretty. Rivck really did a great job on the room. HAve a good graduation on Friday. I will be thinking about you.