Monday, January 05, 2009

So, I made it to the New Year...

Yep, I survived the New Year's start... a bit more epsom salts, some massage, and I now just feel the after effects (you know, the ones that include feeling like you've been kicked - HARD)

My Beloved is on the road again, this time to CA. I ended up with an unexpected day off due to H2O damage at the store, and the house is totally quiet... shhhhhhh

While I totally love music, and having it on while I am here, I also totally love the silence. Just listening to the house, and the sounds from outside that creep in. I guess it is that whole concept of just being in the here and now.

So once I finish enjoying my silence each day I then move onto my Buffy-thon. Tonight I will be watching the muscial and at least 2 discs from season 6... gotta love it!!

Now, we have Josh's finished scarf: pattern is My So Called Scarf done in Farmhouse Yarns Silk Blend dk wt: it is Silk,Wool, and Cotton - matches his knucks from last year.We have next the blanket or Megan... which should have been accompanied by a BSJ by now, but alas... not yet.Although I can at least say that I haven't LOST that BSJ. Yep, you read that right folks... I lost the completed (except for the buttons) BSJ that I made for my great-niece. I now have the buttons and cannot for the life of me find the jacket. eeeerrrrrrgggghhhh aaarrrrgggghhh!!

Lastly we have my single Monkey sock of Regia Bamboo. Hopefully soon to have a sibling.I won't be able to show updates of the felted clog menagerie yet, since Rick has the camera with him. Once he gets home I will try to take quick shots before they all go to their prospective owners.

And last but not least, I go from here to the treadmill for 30min. No knitting this time, just need to get my treadmill legs back. See ya all soon.

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