Thursday, January 08, 2009

Dooooonnnn't Panic!!!

OK, so I am starting to panic a bit. Just a wee bit.... well maybe a bit more than a wee bit.

Why you may ask, well the wonderful Yarn for Breakfast group that I am the Organizer for, is celebrating its 2nd Birthday (Yay for us!!). We have been so successful at getting Fiber Folk together over the past 2yrs, and the coffee shop - The Daily Grind (in Olde Towne Portsmouth) has been soooo totally awesome in putting up with us, and even spoiling us...... that we have probably about 30 people (at least) attending our gathering on Saturday morning. I really want it to be great, I am just worried that we will a) maybe not have enough chairs, b) drive the poor coffee house employees absolutely bonkers with our boisterousness, and c) I worry about their other patrons as well.

OK, I feel a bit better at having gotten that all out. I am totally excited, and really quite in awe of the fact that we are two years old and have upwards of 60-some active members. See not everyone comes to every meet. Some only come to the evening meets, and some only to the Sat morning meet, so it works. I love that we are growing, but afraid that we may outgrow the coffee shop. We all love it there soooooooooooo much.

I know, stop worrying, and just enjoy.... will do. Just needed to get some of the panic bugs out in the open.

breathe in....... breathe out...... breathe in...... go knit!!!!


Mary in VA said...

Having been in on attempts to start knitting groups, I know how hard it is to keep them alive and growing. So I say congrats on being part of creating one that is still going strong. Wish I was close enough to check it out as you always make it sound like fun!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, and joy. We've gone from a few folks most months to over 16 meeting in homes recently. A couple of us have started scouting new places to meet - it's a big job!

I'm sure your 2 year party will be just great.